What Do I Do If My Dental Filling Falls Out?


How does it feel when your dental filling suddenly falls out while enjoying your favorite savories? Turmoil right! Just relax and don't panic; instead, book an appointment with a dentist in Scarborough ASAP while following these steps to avoid bacterial invasions.

STEPS To Follow If Your Dental Fillings Fall Out

  1. Book an appointment with the best dentist in Scarborough.

  2. Explain to the dentist your dental condition, for eg., whether it is painful or not.

  3. Follow the diet, medications, and instructions given by the dentist.

  4. Avoid hard and chewy food on the day of a dental filling.

Note: Keep yourself hydrated to avoid dehydration.

  1.  Visit regularly for follow-up appointments.

Here is a list of a few more things you must do to stabilize dental filling and avoid bacterial infiltration.

  • Gargle with medicated solution thrice a day.

  • Brush twice a day, using a very soft brush.

  • Avoid using dental filling teeth while chewing food.

  • Avoid sugary fluids. If you crave sugary drinks, then use a straw to bypass teeth.

What Causes Dental Filling To Fall Out?

Your dental filling may become loose and eventually may fall out for the following reasons.

  • Poor filling

  • Chewing hard food

  • Chewing sugary and sticky food.

  • Grinding teeth (bruxism)

  • Dental infection that has reached dental roots.

  • The chemical reaction of food or saliva with the dental bond, leading to filling erosion.

Paying attention to small dental signs such as dental pain, loose teeth, or teeth gap may save you from severe dental damages. In addition, a bi-yearly dental visit to a dentist in Scarborough may add longevity to your teeth. So, book your dental appointment with us right away!


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